Thursday, August 31, 2017

Aligning With Your Soul's Authentic Truth

It's often more simple than you may think


I Just finished a power packed *Deep Dive Soul Alignment VIP day* (yeah that's an actual thing!) with an awesome soul mate client. 

I am in such gratitude + awe at what emerged. 

I had NO idea that being authentic + truly living into my joy, would translate into an actual biz...

Where I get paid to help people align with their soul's true purpose + birth their creative visions into form. 

That being authentic + living my joy, would not only help me get clear on MY soul's purpose, but that it would allow me to help others to get clear on + live theirs as well. 


You see, for so long I needed things to be "perfect" before I could move forward. 

I wanted the entire picture to be crystal fucking clear before I took a step. 

I can be pretty stubborn and willful.

So I dug my heals in and basically refused to take action until the "perfect alignment" emerged.

I stayed stuck in a state of analysis paralysis for a long ass time, waiting for the perfect aligned Divine timing to strike like lightening. 

Thing is, the timing is rarely ever gong to be "perfect". 

AND we often can't see the full picture until step 7. 
It literally can't emerge until we start moving forward...


When I started tuning into my heart and listening to my soul from a clear aligned space, instead of struggling to create something from my head that I thought I "should" be doing based on what everyone else was doing or on my credentials and formal education.... 

I started receiving clear messages as to what MY soul's truth and purpose really is. 

My essence clearly presented itself to me. The simple message was: 

"Be Authentic"


At first I didn't listen because I didn't understand it. 

How the actual fuck does one monetize Authenticity?! And what does that even mean?! 

I couldn't wrap my head/mind/brain around how just showing up authentically was ever going to create an actual biz for me.

In fact, I was actually TOLD by people that showing up authentically and "over sharing" was a biz killer and that I was stupid for being so publicly vulnerable and casually dressed.


Even though I kept receiving the CLEAR message from my soul to simply "show up and be authentic", I kept living in and from the limiting story loop in my mind that said:

"I need to find my clarity first". 

Translation: "I'm really fucking terrified of doing it wrong + failing + NOT ever living into my vision and purpose."

For a long time I did the dance of invisibility while I flirted w dipping my toe in the river of truth + infinite possibilities. 

And this looked like me playing fucking small. 

When I finally started taking the aligned inspired *AUTHENTIC* action steps I was being shown, the next step and then the next, revealed themselves. 

The picture began to come into form. 

But I had to Trust + and to leap, well beyond my comfort zone. FIRST.


I am now legit creating and living my dream biz + working with soulmate clients.

I get to show up + be authentic + speak my soul's truth, boldly + with love.

I get to create from my heart space and allow what organically wants to emerge.

I get to attune deeply to my intuition and inner knowing, allowing my soul to speak through me in miraculous ways.

And in the process of being exactly who I am and be, and shining my light brightly, I help my clients achieve the same results.

And together, as bright Lighthouses, we are impacting the world in ways that inspire, empower, and awakening the consciousness of humanity. 

Hell to the Yeah! 

So my love, if you have a deep soul calling that is stirring inside of you TAKE A STEP TOWARD THIS NOW!

AND if you would like the support of a kick ass creative visionary (me) to help you finally get clear + confident + aligned around your soul's vision, so you can actually bring this into form...

Check out the link HERE and let's get started! 

And as always...

Show up courageously. Be authentic. Speak your soul's truth. Unapologetically. And with Love. 

~ Diana Rose Kottle

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Stormy Chaos Of Life

On the days when I feel tangled and caught up in the stormy chaos of life, I remember this simple wisdom:
"This too shall pass." 

And then I breathe.

Some days are more challenging than others.

These are the days of growth, where we are cultivating our inner garden. We are weeding out what's unaligned with who we truly are.

Pulling weeds isn't always fun or painless, but is necessary and worth it.

As we change our landscape, leaving the lower vibrations behind and moving up in frequency, we cannot keep the old patterns, the old belief systems, the old thoughts, or the painful suitcases of emotional hurts that we carry around with us.

They serve to drag us down.

They keep us anchored in the past and tethered to the denser frequencies that hold us in chains.

They stop us from up-leveling our lives.

Every time I release what is heavy and old and no longer necessary in my life, I allow myself to be set free.

And it's amazing how quickly aligned things can manifest in our lives when we create the space for them.

It's time to wake up, to choose to step up, and to powerfully claim your own liberation. 

And as always...

Show up courageously. Be authentic. Speak your soul's truth. Unapologetically. And With Love.

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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

You Don't Deserve To Wear A Bikini

Growing up in the LA/Hollywood distortion...

I grew up fucking hating my body.

Desperately trying to fit into a picture perfect box of what society painted as "beautiful". As "desirable". As even "okay".

I wasted so much time focusing on looking a certain way. On being a certain size. A certain shape. A certain weight.

So much of my precious energy was spent feeling insecure, unworthy, and not good enough.

Regardless of how much I actually weighed, I felt fat, and hated my body.

I lived my life in a constant downward body shame spiral.

And because of this, I missed out on experiencing so many wonderful things. 

The SHAME seed was planted...

At age 13 I was legit told by a teenage boy at the beach: 

"You don't deserve to wear a bikini". 

He launched this explosive word grenade, while adorned with a stick skinny 90 lb girl on each arm. 

What the actual fuck?! 

I was wearing a biking at the time.
I weighed maybe 125 lbs...?
I was not fat by any stretch of the imagination. 

However, as the body shaming trio looked down on me through piercing eyes of harsh judgment and distain, through the programming and social conditioning of an idealized plastic Barbie doll culture, my innocence shattered into a million fucking pieces. 

This shitty comment, this ONE sentence, uttered by a mean hearted stranger, fucking landed.

I allowed this to destroy me.

It was my garden of eden apple moment. I liken it to Eve suddenly becoming aware of her own nakedness. 

It planted the seed of shame that took root. It grew and spread like wildfire.

This one fucking cruel comment seeded decades of body shame that manifested as deep body hatred. 

And while this moment shaped and informed so much of my life from that point forward, it has taught me so much. 

The Truth is...

I am so much more than just a body. My body is the beautiful temple, the sacred vessel, that my soul came here to experience life through. No matter what it looks like.

I didn't know this at age 13. Thank God I know this now.

Our biggest wounding provides our greatest teaching. We can choose to stay in the low vibrational garbage. Or we can choose to alchemize the lie and remember the truth of who we really are.

You do not have to agree to the distortions of other people's illusion.
And although that shame filled illusion still occasionally rears its ugly head, 
I am not a victim to that experience any longer. 

In truth, I never really was. 

I simply gave my power away, and agreed to a lie. 

So to all the women who hate your bodies, remember, your body is the beautiful temple, the sacred vessel, that your soul came here to experience life through.

Regardless of what you look like, thin, fat, or in between, your body is the sacred house of your soul.

The more you love + appreciate yourself and your body, right NOW, as you ARE, the more you uproot and alchemize the shitty seeds of shame.

It's time to wake up, to choose to step up, and to powerfully claim your own liberation. 

And as always...

Show up courageously. Be authentic. Speak your soul's truth. Unapologetically. And With Love.

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Monday, August 28, 2017

Liberation From Shame

Cleansing Tears

I find Crying fucking gorgeous. It cleanses shame and opens the flow...

My practice is showing up for myself when I want to run away screaming from the pain.

And to instead stand tall and shine love on my shadow.

I'm learning how to BE with me. 

With ALL of me. 

The light and the dark. 

The judgements. The shadow. The less than noble parts of my personality self.

The parts I'm proud of + the aspects that hold so much shame I reject and want to annihilate.

Those shame filled pockets are exactly what I lean into, be with, dance with. 

To dissolve and alchemize... with fierce beautiful love. 

Tears soften and release shame, transforming it into something gorgeous filled with gifts.

There is no shame in crying. 

In fact, it's often through our tears that we release the heavy pockets of shame + self judgement we hold. 

So allow the cleansing tears to flow. 
It is liberating AF.
And allowing your true authentic expression to flow, will begin to set you free.

It's time to wake up, to choose to step up, and to powerfully claim your own liberation. 

And as always...

Show up courageously. Be authentic. Speak your soul's truth. Unapologetically. And With Love.

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Sunday, August 27, 2017

When Your Soul Is Drowning

Do you ever feel like your soul is drowning...? 

Like the very life force inside of you is not burning so brightly.

Like you are going through the motions of life. Robotically. Asleep. On autopilot.

Like you are an absolute mess + out of fucking control.


Soul sickness is real. It has become an epidemic. 

Working in a job you hate. Being in emotionally abusive + toxic relationships.

Avoiding your feelings by numbing out, running away, trying desperately to escape the pain.

Living in environments that do not nurture you on a soul level.

Essentially, living a lie. 

All of these create and seed a deep soul sickness. Where it feels like your soul is drowning...

1. Connection is a Key
When it feels like your soul is drowning, it's a call to level up.

It's time to find the missing connection within. 

Chances are you've been receiving many signs, from the Universe, many urges from your soul, that point you toward your true alignment.

And it's time to choose to go inwards and finally really listen. 

2. Being Truthful is Another Key

It's time to get and be really fucking honest with yourself.

To ask the tough questions that burst you open and set your soul on fire.

Questions such as:

Where are you lying to yourself?

Where are you settling for less than what you deserve? 

Where are you making excuses and shutting yourself down?

Where are you listening to other peoples shitty judgmental voices?

Where are you allowing yourself to collapse into fear

Accessing your Truth, is what will begin to set you free.

3. Loving Yourself is Another Key

If you are still not loving yourself, it's time to get your ass on board the self-love train. Pronto.

This is essential. A non-negotiable. It's not some new age woo-woo airy fairy bullshit. It's legit. It's where the magic happens.

It's what gets you into your HEART.

And your heart field, IS the doorway, the portal, into the quantum field.

It IS the zero-point from which all creation stems.

It's the space where your soul light lives.

So if your light feels dim, re-ignite + beam the TRUTH of LOVE brightly my love. 


There is no need for your soul to drown in the illusion. Unless of course, that is what you choose to experience...

It's time to wake up, to choose to step up, and to powerfully claim your own liberation. 

And as always...

Show up courageously. Be authentic. Speak your soul's truth. Unapologetically. And With Love.

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Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Disembodied Spiritual Bypass

Your body is not just a "meat suit". 

Your body is sacred. It is the gorgeous temple, the sacred vessel, your SOUL choose to express through. It is not just a "meat suit".

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. 




The "my body is only a meat suit" line of thinking keeps us from truly loving the beautiful home of our soul.

It keeps us disembodied and living in the clouds. Trying to transcend and ascend to something "out there". 

It creates lack of harmony between body/mind/spirit.

It rejects our humanity keeps us in separation from the embodied fullness of who we truly are. 

On the other end of the spectrum...

The "I am ONLY my body" line of thinking leaves out our spirit.

It keeps us focused on external appearance and a specific prescribed way that our bodies "should" look or feel or be. 

It is empty, dead, and devoid of soul.

The Dance of Embodiment

Our humanity lives inside our divinity and is here for a reason.

Embody your divinity.
Embrace your humanity.

Stop trying to spiritually bypass it.
Stop trying to dismiss your spiritual essence.

You are both. Human and divine. 

Flawed perfection. 

A living paradox of swirling possibilities. 

Allow it all. Integrate it all. LOVE it all. 

Anchoring in and embodying spiritual energies through your heart, grounding them into being, will set your soul on fire

So my love, I invite you to connect within, to the love song of your beautiful soul. Listen, hear, and remember.

What is it that your soul desires to powerfully and truthfully express through your beautiful body temple?

And as always...

Show up courageously. Be authentic. Speak your soul's truth. Unapologetically. And with love.

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Friday, August 25, 2017

How Many Actual Fucks Do You Give?

How many actual fucks DO you give…?

I'm realizing that there is some GOLDEN TRUTH in the ratio that the less actual fucks one gives, the happier and more at peace they become.

To be crystal clear...
It's NOT that I don't give a fuck...

In fact, I’ve given so many fucks, for so long, it’s been fucking debilitating.

However, I sure am learning to give a whole lot less of them these days.

After my recent post: If my fucks offend you

I received an outpouring of awesomeness along with a few righteous judgmental comments + several declarations of being "unfollowed" by some who feel I am "clearly not a lady”.

Good thing my message is not "show up and be perfect and act like a refined lady”.

If it were, well, clearly I would be showing up differently than I do.

It's surprising to me that anyone who follows me would even think this.
Because I am very overt about my message.

It's not something subtle that I weave in. Nope.

I shout it out in my live videos and write about it in my articles.

Show Up Courageously. Be Authentic. Speak Your Soul's Truth. Unapologetically. With Love.

I share this message. And I live it.

Sprinkling in the occasional aligned "fuck" does not detract from my message or brand.

It enhances the AUTHENTICITY + realness that I advocate for in others + show up and BE myself.

The Emerging Golden Gift…

In this process of boldly showing the fuck up and vulnerably sharing my truth, I am truly seeing that the less actual fucks I give, the happier I am and be.

The more authentically I express myself, the clearer and more aligned I become. 

It's a process of de-fucktifying the clutter that I have (yes ME) allowed to color and shape my world. For way too fucking long.

I've allowed the deafening noise of judgmental opinions to roar in my head.

This has kept my light dim + kept me crunched up in crippling pain in a box that stifled the vibrant life force out of me.

It's soul sucking to conform to other peoples "should's" when they are based in shame + fear.

And you know what I have to say to that?


And Fuck Shame.
And double fuck the shame filled should’s. 

So yeah, through all of this I am realizing that there is some golden truth in the ratio that the less actual fucks one gives, the happier and more at peace they become.

To wrap…

If you are not in the arena, I am NOT interested in your critique.

And if you ARE in the arena, and simply want to be antagonistic, I'm not interested in that either.

And if you don’t have a clue what my message is or how I actually show up in the world and why, find out. 

I am here to have authentic conscious conversations and connections with other awakening souls who understand and resonate with the true essence of my message.

Who also want to show up boldly, shed the shame, and learn to be comfortable in BEing their true authentic self... not twist themselves into pretzels to conform to be someone or something they are not. Simply to please the fucking masses. 

Because I'd rather be happy, I am learning to give less actual fucks about the external noise that doesn't really matter.
And as always...

Show up courageously. Be authentic. Speak your soul's truth. Unapologetically. And with love.

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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Set Your Soul On Fire

What does it mean to set your soul on fire?

Setting your soul on fire:

To light up your true essence so fully that you choose to live your life in a state of such complete and total surrender and trust, that you are willing to release and alchemize ANYTHING that is out of alignment with your true authentic self. 

It is a desire to set your heart ablaze.

To melt away the clutter that is blocking you from seeing truth.

To Ignite your inner light, so it can shine so fucking brightly and epically, that it inspires a ripple of awe to spread in all directions around you, 
like wild fire in the brush. 

It involves deeply living into and embodying truth at such a base core level of being, that the lies and distortions you've accumulated over countless lifetimes burst into flames, burn brightly, and disappear into ash.

From this alchemical fire, from these remaining smoldering ashes, your soul can rise like a mighty phoenix, claiming the truth of who you are and be, wholeheartedly and without apology.

Being unapologetically you

We are so programmed to apologize that we slink around like meek little kittens afraid of our own shadows. Afraid to piss anyone off.

In this, we dim our soul light. Sometimes so much, we can't even find it.

Dismantling these fear programs that keep us from accessing or recognizing our inner light requires an alchemical process of deep level transformation. 

You see, you cannot simply transcend and rise above this. You cannot spiritually bypass the fiery mess of life.

And there is no real "bottom" that you will ever hit.

There is no center to the infinite infamous layered onion you peel, so desperately seeking solace from your shadow.

The depths are endless my love.

Your shadow never goes away.

So it becomes a dance, between polarities.

A play between opposites.

Holding the paradox while shattering the myths within it.

The beautiful fucking messy paradox of life.
The divinity and the humanity, blended together, infused as one.

You must dive into the fire. 

You must choose to be with the shadows in richness and depth while s
imultaneously holding the brightest light beyond what's imaginable.

That fire, that light, is the magical alchemy potion that illuminates your truth. 

So darling, set your fucking soul on fire and allow your truth to burn so brightly, it becomes a lighthouse for all of humanity to awaken to.

And as always...

Show up courageously. Be authentic. Speak your soul's truth. Unapologetically. And with love.

Diana Rose Kottle

 Thanks for reading beautiful soul! 
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Are you ready to align with your soul's truth, so you can live your highest vision + impact the world?

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What Is Your Truth?

How Do You Know Your Truth?   Your truth does not live "out there". It is something that is hidden right inside of you. Behi...