Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Fuck Fear

Fuck. Fear. 

I spent yesterday and part of this morning crumbled up in a ball feeling paralyzed, watching myself spiral down into the illusory yet powerful grip of fear.

Not the kind where an actual tiger is about to eat you, but the kind of terror that lives in your mind and spins stories based on the past, about the future horrors of dread and inevitable impending doom.

The ones that usually never even happen the way you imagine.

None the less, it feels debilitating and creates a frozen paralysis in your body.

It feels endless.

And As my mind created vivid stories (aka: lies) about future demise, my body went apeshit and froze in terror.


When the shadow of fear emerges, what do you do?

Dive deep down and courageously face it. Refuse to drown in the lie of fear.

So I went into the darkness.

I became intimate with my shadow.

I saw the illusion fear was painting and the hook that was sucking me down.

And I unhooked from the lie, from the distortion that was playing in a loop in my mind and terrorizing my body with its song of fear.

I pressed the STOP button on the old story.

I moved into my heart + breathed the fear OUT of my body.

I wept and allowed the old stagnant energy to move through me.

I reached out for aligned support.

I prayed and asked the angelic realm for some major healing.

I sang a new song of love and empowerment.

Shit moved and I was able to take a step forward.
I get to be mindful now to not allow it back in.

And to remember that:

I AM truly more powerful than fear. 


What is happening now on the planet is a deep soul level cleansing of what is not in alignment with the new energies and vibrations we are being called to now hold.

Old programs and triggers (fears) and old stories are being ignited. We must CHOOSE to move through them and alchemize them. To invite in more ease, grace, and love. 

We must speak of them instead of hiding in shame or fear of judgments around this.
Otherwise we can drown in them.

A clear knowing that you WILL move through this is key, while embracing the shadow parts that arise to be loved and integrated into the fullness of your being.

So let the fear energies that arise flow out of you my loves, and find the divinity, the grace, and even the humor, in it all.

And as always...

Show up courageously. Be authentic. Speak your soul's truth. Unapologetically. And with love.

~ Diana Rose Kottle

 Thanks for reading beautiful soul!
If this resonates with you, please share it ❤

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